We are constantly updating and improving the Sphinx platform. This page summarizes the changes starting from July, 2024.
December, 2024
Coming soon.
Breaking Changes
Nothing to report!
November, 2024
- A new option to create subplots has been added. Subplots allow creation of multiple pages of plots in a single cell. Options to add subplots can be found in the “Axes > Sublots” section.
- Extended option for upload of a matrix to include right and botton regions and the ability to have multiple indicies. You can read more in Data and File Layouts.
- Upload templates now have the option to include one or more of a certain file. This can be used when the import must accept a varying number of the same file. You can read more about this in Data Import.
- Dataset Collections have been added, allowing for collection of related Datasets and alignment to a single set of columns and data types. You can read more in Dataset Collections.
- Significant performance and loading state improvements during data import and template usage.
- Numerous small bug fixes, especially in plots.
Breaking Changes
Nothing to report!
October, 2024
New Features
- Columns in a Dataset can be renamed.
- Cells in an Analysis can be copied. Any downstream cells will not be copied.
- You can now undo changes in an Analysis and a Dataset using
ctrl/cmd Z
and redo usingshift + ctrl/cmd Z
. You read more about keyboard shortcuts in this article. - Updated Chat interface to reside in a right sidebar.
- Chat is now available in an Analysis – allowing you to conversationally build and execute an Analysis.
Documentation for chat is available here.
- Chat messages can be rated, providing feedback to the Sphinx team that is used to improve accuracy and precision.
- Many improvements to data import. Notably:
- Handling data files that have merged cells.
- Forward and backward navigation.
- LLM-powered data region detection runs automatically when a data extraction is added.
- Numerous small performance enhancements and bug fixes.
Breaking Changes
A Top Navigation Bar has been added to replace the Sphinx icon in the upper left of the screen. To navigate home, use the home icon in the displayed path for the entity.
The left sidebar is now collapsible in Analysis and Data Import, and is collapsed by default. In an Analysis this replaces the right sidebar where you previously would have accessed additional details such as the source Dataset name.
September, 2024
New Features
- New Chat interface allows you to conversationally build and execute a Data Import. Documentation for chat is available here.
- Performance improvements
Breaking Changes
Nothing to report!
August, 2024
New Features
New data import is now in beta and available to all users. Documentation for new data import is available here.
(API) Added a new collection type
that allows you to list users or get a specific user. See the API Reference for more information. -
(API) Updated
Get Datasets
to support filtering Datasets bycreatorId
. ThecreatorId
is theid
from theUsers
collection. -
(API) You can now download a Plot using
Download Plot
. See the API Reference for more information.
Future Changes
(API) Usage of notebookId
Previously the notebookId
was used to identify an Analysis, which was a holdover from calling Analyses “notebooks” concept.
The analysisId
is now used to identify an Analysis.
This change was not carried over to the API until now.
Usage of notebookId
is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
Breaking Changes
Nothing to report!
July, 2024
New Features
You now have access to a Plots Library that shows all plots you have access to. This includes plots you and your collaborators have made.
You now have access to a Protein Viewer that shows the 3D structure of supported protein sequences. A protein viewer can be added in an Analysis using the “Add Chart” option.
Plot options can now be searched using using a semantic search bar. In the Plot cell you can type your desired plot option in the search bar it the relevant section will be highlighted for you.
You can now create an Analysis by describing what you want to achive in natural language. This option is available in the Analysis creation modal for users who have enabled AI permissions.
Breaking Changes
Filtering on columns in a data table in an Analysis will no longer be applied instantly. You must select the “apply” button or click out of the menu. This change was made to improve performance and resolves issues user were experiencing with filtering large data tables.
(API) Downloading Datasets
Previously a redirect link to the signedUrl for downloading was returned in Get Dataset
To support larger datasets and more complex combinations, we’re moving to a task-based system.
Requesting a dataset download will trigger a task and return the ID of that task.
You can then use our /tasks
to monitor the status of the download and then retrieve your data using the signedUrl