The Analysis toolbar contains multiple options for working with a data table in an Analysis. Options in the toolbar can transform data, add statistical tests, add curves, and add new cells.

Analysis Toolbar

AI Chat

AI Chat

This option is only available for certain account types. Please contact Sphinx Support if you would like to use this feature.

AI Chat is a tool that allows you to chat with your data, ask questions, and get insights. You can use this tool to update your data, create new columns, or make new Plots.

To use AI Chat, simply click on the AI Chat button in the Analysis toolbar. You can then type your question or prompt and click on the “Send” button.


Selecting The Analyze option will open the Analysis menu where you can select a transformation, curve, or statistical test to add to the Analysis.

Analysis Toolbar Analyze

You can read more about transformations, curves, and statistical tests in the Analysis section.

Add Chart

The Add Chart option allows you to add a new chart to the Analysis. You can select from a variety of chart types.

  • Chart
  • Plate
  • MSA Viewer
  • PDB Viewer

You can read more about charts in the Plots section.

Handling Outliers and Entities

When you have rows selected, you can use these option to remove or include outliers you identified. The annotate entities option allows you to edit information about the selected entities one at a time. Read more about Bio Entities here

Duplication and Saving

The duuplication option allows you to duplicate the current cell, which includes all of the data in the cell and any charts and annotations. This is useful when you want to make a copy of a cell to test a new analysis or to save a cell for later use.

The save option allows you to save the current data table as a new Dataset.

Changing Data, Visibility, and Deletion

The data selection option allows you to change the current data to a different Dataset. Care should be taken when changing the data, as this will change the what is being analyzed and could break any transformations or curves that are being used. Some data cannot be changed, such as when the data are a child to a Dataset and are not yet saved as their own Dataset.

The visibility option allows you to hide or show the current cell. You can use this if the cell does not need to be viewed in the Analysis, but is used for an intermediate step in a transformation.

The delete option allows you to delete the current cell.

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