First time user

Sphinx is an intuitive, no-code platform that is purpose-built for biotechnology. We leverage LLMs and flexible data models so that you don’t have use work arounds in other tools. Included for all users are pre-built statistical transformations and customizable visualizations.

Basic Application Flow


Creating your Account

To create an account in Sphinx you can signup here. Once you have created an account you can login here.


Creating a Dataset

Datasets in Sphinx represent the tidy, organized data you have uploaded. Sphinx has powerful tools for automatically understanding and ingesting your data files.


Creating an Analysis

An Analysis in Sphinx is the set of data transformations and associated Plots for a Dataset. An Analysis can use many Datasets and a Dataset can be used in many Analyses — giving you maximum flexibility to analyze your data.


Creating a Template

Sphinx supports reproducible science and uses Templates to make the steps of an Analysis reusable for you and your collaborators. Templates apply the same data transformations and Plots to new Datasets — expediting your work. This is especially powerful when you have the same instrument outputs each experiment.


Sharing your Work

Your work matters, and when you have Datasets, Analyses, Templates, and Plots you can share them with others. Simply add your collaborator by email or download your results.

With this knowledge, you can now get started with a worked example live in the application. You can access the onboarding flow at anytime whether you are a first time user or just need a refresher.

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