Metis is Sphinx’s chat tool and is available in Data Import and Analysis, allowing you to describe your outcome in a conversational format. This allows you to ask questions about Sphinx’s capabilities and have the system take actions on your behalf. All actions that are taken by Metis are shown and explained to you. Metis Example

Creating a Chat

Metis is available in an Analysis and Data Import from the right-most panel titled “Chat – Metis”. Metis can also be initiated from the homepage, where it will direct you to the relevant portion of the application.

Creation via the Homepage

An Analysis or Data Import can be created from the homepage. If you attach a file and send a message, you will be taken to a new data import. If you do not attach a file, the content of your message will be used to route you to an Analysis or Data Import.

Metis Import Example

Initiating Metis in an Analysis or Data Import

Metis is available in an Analysis and Data Import from the right-most panel title “Chat – Metis”. In Metis you can describe your desired outcome and it will take action based on your request.

Metis Example

Working with Metis

Metis operates like other chat experiences you may be used to. You simply type your request and Metis will respond to you and take actions within Sphinx to help you achieve your goals. There are many ways you can use Metis, and we encourage you to explore and see what works best for you. We have a short list of things Metis can and cannot do to get you started.

Metis can help you with with

  • Creating a new Dataset from a file.
  • Creating and editing Analyses.
  • Using multiple files to create a new Dataset.
  • Configuring the steps of Data Import.
  • Answering questions about data layouts and how they can be transformed.
  • Adding plots and transformations to an Analysis.

Metis cannot yet help you with

  • Editing the contents of file you upload.
  • Editing existing Datasets.
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